Designed and Captured by Shooters

Firearms Experiences

Firearms Experiences

Public and Private Range Events

F5 Range was originally built as Josh Froelich’s practice facility. He realized quickly that there was a demand for private high end range facilities, quality training experiences and private facilities for companies to capture media and test products. Josh Scaled F5 Range to the multi bay facility it is today and added lodging to meet the requests from clients and now offers range services to partners from all over the country.

Extreme Sports Biking
Event and Professional Media Services

F5 Productions was built out on the premise that if we don’t tell the story nobody will. Media in and around the firearms industry has never been highly available to the masses and part of that is based on the typical quality of coverage in the shooting sports and industry. F5 is comprised of shooters that create, capture, produce and manage digital media content with a focus on the community, companies and events in our space.